
Join us for Morning Worship at 9:30 am. 



"Grace is but Glory begun, and Glory is but Grace perfected." -Jonathan Edwards

May 6, 2018

God Meets with Israel

Speaker: Seth Peters Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 19

April 15, 2018

Jethro Visits Moses

Speaker: Brandon Young Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 18

March 25, 2018

"Trusting Yourself-It's a No; Trusting God-It's a Go"

Speaker: John Jordan Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 17:8–16

March 11, 2018

God Provides and Israel Grumbles

Speaker: Nathan Faulks Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 15:22– 17:7

February 25, 2018

The Song by the Sea

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Topic: Default Scripture: Exodus 15:1–21

January 21, 2018

God the Warrior

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 13:17– 14:31

January 7, 2018

The Last Plague

Speaker: Ian Masterson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 11:1– 13:16

December 3, 2017

What is the Purpose of God?

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 9:13– 10:29

November 12, 2017

With God There is Partiality

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 8:20– 9:12

October 22, 2017

Blood, Frogs and Gnats

Speaker: Ian Masterson Series: Exodus

October 8, 2017

Qualified, But Not Equipped

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 6:13– 7:13

September 24, 2017

I am the Lord

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 5:22– 6:12

September 10, 2017

Who is Lord?

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 5:1–21

March 19, 2017

Moses Returns to Egypt

Speaker: Kurt Larson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 4:18–31

February 26, 2017

Sign and Speak

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 4:1–17

February 12, 2017

Who Am I; Who Are You?

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Topic: Default Scripture: Exodus 3:11–22

January 15, 2017

The Lord Speaks

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 3:1–10

December 4, 2016

A Deliverer In Exile

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 2:11–25

October 16, 2016

A Savior is Born

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 1:22– 2:10

October 2, 2016

The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 1:8–22

September 18, 2016

By His Grace and For His Glory

Speaker: Chad Knudson Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 1:1–7